A continuous passive motion (CPM) machine allows for movement of the joints after surgery. Historically, these devices have been extremely expensive to buy or rent. Thanks to recent advances in design and manufacturing, AnkleMotion is making ankle CPM affordable for everybody. This patented, physician-developed device provides post-op ankle surgery patients with significant health benefits. Faster recovery, increased range of motion, reduced pain and reduced stiffness can all be attributed to the use of quality ankle CPM device. Overall faster recovery means less time spent in bed and less chance of dangerous complications. Even moderate bed rest can result in muscle wasting, pneumonia and bedsores- all potentially very dangerous conditions. Invest in an AnkleMotion today to help protect your health and get back to normal living faster.
IMPROVE RANGE OF MOTION AND STRENGTH sooner in your rehabilitation process so you can get back to normal living. Being confined to bed rest because of an ankle injury is dangerous. Lack of ambulation can quickly lead to muscle atrophy, pneumonia and bed sores including their associated risks like sepsis, a serious blood infection.
REDUCE INFLAMMATION AND PAIN- The continuous passive motion provided by the device helps move fluids in and around the joint. The increased bloodflow helps nourish the cells, remove toxins and reduce inflammation. Pain is the result of inflammation. By reducing inflammation the AnkleMotion device helps reduce pain. This can also help reduce or eliminate the need for drugs.
REDUCE THE RISK OF STIFFNESS and the development of SCAR TISSUE. If scar tissue is allowed to build up because of lack of motion, it can have long term if not lifelong negative implications. Chronic pain, limited range of motion, limited strength and limited flexibility are all risks associated with scar tissue build-up.
REDUCE THE RISK OF DANGEROUS BLOOD CLOTS- The AnkleMotion device replicates the act of walking. Walking is the body’s natural way to move blood from the lower extremities and back to the heart. Flexing the calf muscle acts like a pump to help move the blood to help prevent blood clots. Blood clots that detach in the leg can travel to the lungs, this is known as a pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal condition.
COST EFFECTIVE THERAPY- Most Ankle CPM devices cost over $5000. Renting is an option but the average rate isapprox $60 per day. AnkleMotion makes ankle CPM affordable thanks to it new and revolutionary design. Own an AnkleMotion CPM device for life for less than a 7 day rental cost!
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